We invite you to rediscover Cuba following Hemingway’s footprints, and although they have changed, they are all places which you can visit today.
1. Havana Harbor; Previously known as Port Cardenas, it was where Hemingway first set foot in Cuba. Hemingway was a fan of the sea, and this would eventually lead to one of his most acclaimed novels, set in Cuba and featuring the sea.
2. Hotel Ambos Mundos; The Ambos Mundos is one of the most historically significant hotels in Havana, and one of the oldest. It was Havana’s top business hotel for many years after it first opened in 1923, and was Hemingway’s home during his initial years in Cuba.
3. El Floridita Bar; This was Hemingway’s temple in Havana, and is a mandatory stop today for any fan of the American author, with its still bohemian atmosphere, and famous daiquiri, Hemingway’s favorite.
4. Las Terrazas Restaurant; Located in Cojimar, a small fishing town outside Havana, Las Terrazas is one of the most curious restaurants in Cuba, and which to this day offers its’ patrons excellent, and fresh seafood to satisfy their appetites.
5. Hatuey Brewery; This is where Hemingway dedicated his first Nobel prize to Cuban fishermen, at the suggestion of his friend and journalist Fernando G. Campoamor. Hemingway attended many parties in the 1950’s in the breweries dance hall.
6. Marina Hemingway; One of the few marinas in Cuba that currently serves private foreign yachts in Cuba, and has been named after the famous author, and where an annual fishing tournament named after him is held. Hemingway spent many of his days in Cuba chasing billfish.
7. Finca Vigia +Ernest Hemingway Museum; Located in Havana’s San Francisco de Paula neighborhood, sitting on a hill, is Hemingway’s home in Cuba. It was turned into a museum in 1962, and was the first of Hemingway’s residences to be turned into a museum.