Is Cuba safe for Americans? The answer is a resounding yes! Cuba is without a doubt the safest of the large island nations in the Caribbean, and probably the safest country in Latin America for tourists from any part of the world. The Cuban government punishes crimes against foreigners severely, and crimes against foreigners are practically unheard of on the island, one of the “positive” side effects of an authoritarian regime. And while I agree that this government should never have come to power, and my hope is that it will soon wither away, the reality is that is ensures travelers safety in a region that is very dangerous for visitors.
Though there were a couple of dozen incidents involving American diplomatic personnel in Cuba in 2017, an apparent attempt to end the détente between the two nations that began in 2014 that was apparently orchestrated by certain elements within the Cuban government with the help of Russian intelligence, no other incidents of violence against Americans has been reported in Cuba.
There are no gangs in Cuba, no kidnappings, no gun violence, and no school shootings. Get down to Cuba, see for yourself, and support the Cuban people who also want an end to their sixty years of confrontation with the U.S.
By Frank Gonzalez